2024 plans

After the re-cap, it’s time to look ahead!

As usual, I don’t really have the full next year planned out. However, I do have some events lined up, and plans are probably going to center around those events.

I’d been working on my 1780s stays to hopefully get them wearable for an event end of January. Unfortunately, the event has been postponed until later in the year. I’m quite close on getting the stays wearable though. Just the bottom binding to finish, so I’ll probably try to do that soon anyway.

After that, the stays still need all the stiffening, the bust rail, busk pocket, seam covers on the outside, and a lining. I’ll see how far I get on those next year, but that probably will be less of a priority. Below is the original they are based on:

For the event, I had been hoping to also make a new 18th century dress. I’ll probably still be aiming to do this, but for later in the year. My plan was to finally tackle this chemise gown, for which I’ve had the perfect fabric for quite a while.

In the meantime, I’ve decided to start on my project for the Victorian ball in Bath this spring. The theme is crinoline (1850s & 60s), and although I have a 1860’s hoop, I sort of want to do 1850’s instead. As much fun as the elliptical huge hoop is, it’s not the most practical to dance in.

So first up should be a round hoop skirt. I’m not planning on copying a specific antique, but to get the idea:

On top of that, I want to use some of my wide black antique lace and white silk. The plan will be something like this rightmost dress, with the lace in tiers.

I may not have enough lace to go all way around the bottom though (my longest piece is 4m), so I might actually do something like on this dress on the right and leave the middle open.

For the breakfast after the ball, I might just re-wear the 1850 dress I wore last time. However, given time I do also have fabric for a cotton summer gown which might be nice. My fabric and inspiration are below:

Another tentative plan is a cape/wrap, which would be nice both for the ball, and for the day after in case it’s a bit chillier. I haven’t really thought of designs yet, but there’s plenty of options, and I do have a shorter bit of green wool which could work for this really nicely.

The rest of the plans will probably depend on what I feel like, and whether other events will happen. I have plenty of fabric in stash with vaguely specific ideas on what it will be, but what gets done is determined by priority and what I get excited by.

Some options to close this blog, as the dreaming is always the fun part.

I’ve got this fun cotton, which is asking to be an 1830’s day dress

I bought this half finished 18th century petticoat from someone who wasn’t going to finish it anymore, made from an antique fabric. I still need to finish it, and would love to also make a chitz jacket to go with it for a full day outfit. Something like this image?

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